Vintage Compounding Pharmacy

Dental Care

Compounded dental medications allow for customization of treatments, offering dentists the ability to address procedural anxiety, provide pain relief, and deliver treatments via dosages formulated to meet a patient's specific needs.

Dental compounding also offers the flexibility of utilizing delivery mechanisms such as gels and liquids. Dentists can also take advantage of flavored medications, which can be particularly useful when treating children.

At Vintage Compounding Pharmacy, we compound a variety of dosage forms such as capsules, ointments, gels, pastes, and oral rinses.

Schedule An Appointment Today

Our pharmacists are skilled problem solvers when it comes to medications, and they love thinking outside the box to create customized medication solutions that are right for our patients. Contact one of our friendly pharmacists for more information or to learn more about the many services that Vintage Compounding Pharmacy offers.